lunes, 20 de septiembre de 2010

Entry #1: Beginning of the blog

So, this is the first entry on our blog.  Took me awhile to finally get it written in between Internet problems and not knowing exactly how to start things off.

Anyway, Edgar and I have now been married for a year and three months.  I think it's definitely true that they older you get, the faster time flies.  I'm not even that old, and sometimes it seems to just disappear.  It's hard to believe that we've been married over a year and that I've been living in Peru that long.  But then again, I've become rather accustomed to most things Peruvian, so I guess that means that it's really true.

Edgar is getting ready to finish his last semester in the university.  He should be starting back to classes this next week.  He still needs to find a place to do his internships, but we're hoping that he can do so within the next couple of weeks.  He's a little frustrated right now because he's been in the house for so long, so I really hope that he can find a job soon because I hate to see him unhappy.

Meanwhile, I continue to work at the Cultural, or Centro Cultural Peruano Norteamericano.  Things are going well there.  The students are learning and sometimes I get to see the same class after two or three months and I can see how the students are advancing, which is fun.  Their terms are a month long, which sometimes makes it difficult to do a lot with them, because a month is not very long.  But I guess that's how things go. 

Edgar is also studying in the Cultural so he can learn English.  We tried the at-home thing and it just doesn't work for him.  He is so much more motivated going to class at the Cultural.  He's still in the very basic stage, but I can see that he is already advancing in his skills.

Meanwhile, at church, Edgar is in the High Priests' Council.  He doesn't like going to meetings because they last too long, but other than that, he's happy with the calling.  I am the Stake Young Women's president, which gives me some headaches from time to time.  Sometimes the ward leaders just don't do what they're supposed to.  And if they would read the manuals that the Church has written for its leaders, they wouldn't make near so many mistakes.  But I guess it's a learning process for us all.

I think that is probably about it.  I guess that's a good introductory entry.  I will be writing more in the coming weeks so keep coming back for more updates.

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