domingo, 3 de abril de 2011

Back After Awhile

Well, it's been awhile since I've written here.  Edgar and I have had some things happen since the last time I wrote.

In November we were trying to get Edgar's visa so we could both go to the States for a visit with my family.  It looked like everything was going to work out fine when his application got sent into an "administrative process".  We were still hoping that everything would work out, but, in the end, it didn't.  We are actually still waiting for the final decision.  After 3 MONTHS of waiting, it still hasn't come.  The last time we called they told us that it could take up to 6 MONTHS for it to arrive.  Oh, how I love bureaucracy!!! (I hope you can hear the sarcasm dripping off my words there.)

So, after all the money and all the time that went into everything, I finally had to travel by myself.  I spent a month in the States.  It was a good visit with my family.  I got to see my sister and both of my brothers and all of the nieces and nephews.  We also went to the Grand Canyon and I got to go snowboarding, TWICE.  That is definitely one thing that I miss.  However, it all would have been better if Edgar could have come with me.

I have been back for about two months now.  I am still working at the Centro Cultural Peruano Norteamericano teaching English.  We usually change classes every month because their terms are set up that way.  But I have had the same classes these three months.  Looks like the director wants me to stay with the same students.

Edgar is trying to finish up with his studies.  He has finished his classes, but he now has to finish his internship.  Once that's done, we have to go through the process of asking for his bachelor's degree.  Then, he'll be free and ready for a Master's once we get to the States (and once he learns English).  He has been studying English in the same Institute that I teach at and it has been going pretty well for him.

As for Church stuff, Edgar is still in the Stake High Council.  He goes to his meetings which are way longer than they should be and goes to supervise the ward he is in charge of.  As for me, they released me from my stake calling, which was a relief in a lot of ways.  But now they have called me as the Young Womens' president in the ward.  That has been going pretty well, but we're still trying to get everything settled into a routine.

Well, that's about it for now.  In the next couple of weeks, we are hopefully going to start the process of Edgar's immigrant visa.  However, I have to get in contact with the US Citizenship and Immigrant Services at the embassy in Lima.  And they only receive phone calls on Mondays and Wednesdays from 9-11 in the morning.  Once again, I love bureaucracy!!!  So, anyway, that's to get the process started.  Then it's a whole long process to finish.  So, wish us luck with all of that.